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International Research in Health Sciences

CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Examining the Level of Knowledge About Apitherapy and its Uses Dr. İbrahim Hakkı ÇAĞIRAN Prof. Gülçin SAĞDIÇOĞLU CELEP CHAPTER 2 Suicide Among Doctors Assoc. Prof. Mesut YILDIZ CHAPTER 3 Propiıoceptıon in Children Researcher, Dilan DEMIRTAS KARAOBA CHAPTER 4 Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis Mehmet SARIKAYA CHAPTER 5 Current Prospective of Migraine Headache Treatment Asst. Prof. Dr. Yavuz YÜCEL Asst. Dr. Mohamed Sheikh HASSAN CHAPTER 6 Preventing Effects of Moss Extract (Homalothecium Sericeum (Hedw.) Schimp.) and Quercetin on Pancreatic Tissue in Diabetic Rats TONGUC YAYINTAS, O.* OZTURK, S. IRKIN, Latife C. DEMIR, N. CHAPTER 7 Biomarkers From A Clinical And Application Point of View Merve Gulsen BAL ALBAYRAK, PhD CHAPTER 8 Antımıcrobıal and Antibiofilm Activities of Trigonella monspelıaca L. Assist. Prof. Ş. Selma URAS GÜNGÖR, Ph.D. CHAPTER 9 Natural Source Drug Molecules Targeting Alzheimer’s Disease Assist. Prof. Nigar KANTARCI ÇARŞIBAŞI CHAPTER 10 Long Non-Coding Rnas in Human Breast Cancer Assoc. Prof. Ayşe Feyda NURSAL, Ph.D. CHAPTER 11 Covid-19 Infection and Pregnancy Dr. Enes KARAMAN, M.D. Dr. Erol KARAKAŞ, M.D. CHAPTER 12 Pregnancy and Cancer Dr. Erol KARAKAŞ, M.D. Dr. Enes KARAMAN, M.D. CHAPTER 13 The Roles of Current Peptide and Protein-Based Hormones in the Development and Follow-Up of Diabetic Retinopathy Mehmet Kaan KAYA Sermal ARSLAN Suleyman AYDIN CHAPTER 14 Ocular Behçet's Disease and Current Laboratory Markers of Inflammation Sermal ARSLAN Mehmet Kaan KAYA Suleyman AYDIN Common Diabetic Complications and Endocrinal and Plastic Surgical Approaches to These Complications Kader UGUR Erhan Cahit OZCAN Suleyman AYDIN CHAPTER 16 A Brief Historıcal Journey With An Up-To-Date Perspectıve On Cataract Pathophysiology and Surgery Mehmet Kaan KAYA Sermal ARSLAN Suleyman AYDIN CHAPTER 17 The Relationship Between Exercise and Gut Mıcrobiota in Humans Assistant Professor, Ozgenur YILMAZ Research Assistant, Ozan GUR CHAPTER 18 Measurement Tools Used in Dental Implant Assessment Ass. Prof. Tuğba ŞAHİN CHAPTER 19 Development of Revised Dysmenorrhea Impact Scale Short Form (Disr) Asst. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem GÜN KAKAŞÇI Prof. Nurdan DEMIRCI, Ph.D CHAPTER 20 The Use of Clinical Pathway in Nursing Education and Practice RN, Ph.D. Res. Asst, Dilek ERDEN Skin Tattoos From The Perspective Of Midwifery Nazan TUNA ORAN PhD Elif NACAROĞLU Msc CHAPTER 22 Modeling the Mortality Prediction of Patients With Stemi Undergoing Primary Pci Using Data Mining Prof. Mithat ZEYDAN, Ph.D. Dr. Gülhan TOĞA CHAPTER 23 Linear Iga Dermatosis and Dermatitis Herpetiformis Dr. Fatih KILIÇ Assist. Prof Dr. Selami Aykut TEMIZ CHAPTER 24 Musculoskeletal Disorders After Traumatic Brai-in Injury Dr. Sedef ERSOY CHAPTER 24 Cancer and MicroRNA: An Overview of Human and Canine Mammary Tumors Öğretim Gör. Melih Sercan USTAOĞLU Prof. Serbülent YİĞİT, Ph.D.
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