Siparişleriniz 24 Saatte Kargoda Siparişleriniz 24 Saatte Kargoda Siparişleriniz 24 Saatte Kargoda Siparişleriniz 24 Saatte Kargoda

A Hero of Our Time

"This novel, k nown as one of the masterpieces of Russian Literature, under the t it le "A Hero of our Time," and a lready t ranslated into at least nine European languages, is now for the f i rst t ime placed before the genera l Eng l ish Reader. The work is of except iona l interest to the student of Eng l ish Literature, wr it ten as it was under the profound inf luence of By ron and being itself a study of the By ronic t y pe of cha racter.
The Translators have ta ken especia l ca re to preser ve both the atmosphere of the stor y and the poet ic beaut y with which the Poet-novel ist imbued his pages."

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Trendkitap Fiyatı :
364,00 TL
254,80 TL
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Havale/EFT ile 249,70 TL
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