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History of The Ottoman State, Society and Civilisation (2 Volumes)

This collective workis thefirst volumeofacomprehensivesurvey which covers thesix hundredyear-old historyof the Ottoman stateandcivilisation from the formation of the Ottoman principality until the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923. Volume One comprises articles titled "From the Founding to Küçük Kaynarca", "From Küçük Kaynarca to the Collapse", "Ottoman State Organization", "Administrative Organization during the Tanzimat Period", "Ottoman Military Establishment", "The Ottoman Legal System", "Ottoman Society", "The Structure of the Ottoman Economy". Volume Two includes articles titled "Ottoman Turkish", "Turkish Literature in Anatolia", "Turkish Literature during the Period of Westernization", "An Exploration intoIntellectual LifeduringthePeriodof Westernization", "The Literatureof Muslim Peoples in Europeduringthe Ottoman Period", "Aspects of IntellectualLifein the ArabProvincesduringthe Ottoman Period", "Ottoman EducationalandScholarly-Scientific Institutions", "The Ottoman ScientificScholarly Literature", "Art and Architecture", "The Art of Calligraphy in the Ottoman Empire", "The Art of Illumination in the Ottoman Empire". Thisbook is aproductof the large-scale research projectof IRCICA titled"Historyof Muslim Nations". It aims togive an objective accountof the historyof the Ottoman stateandcivilisation on thebasisof the Ottoman archival sources, chronicles,and worksby contemporary Western andTurkish scholars.The work includes 250 photographs. Thisbook is a comprehensive study of various aspects of the six hundred-year old history of the Ottoman State andcivilisation from the formation of the Ottoman principality until the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923. Rather than enumerating the historical facts in a chronological order, the book treats the subjects at hand in an analytical way by detecting relations between the events and attempting to reach a synthesis. The first volume

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