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The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain

Published in 1848 The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain is the lastof Dickens's Christmas novels. It is about the spirit of the holiday asmuch as about the holiday itself. Redlaw is a teacher of chemistry whooften broods over wrongs done to him and grief from his past. Aphantom twin of himself who offers to let Redlaw forget all thesorrows and wrongs in his life haunts Redlaw. Redlaw accepts theoffer. Because he can no longer remember the grief in his life, he isovercome with anger that spreads to the families around him. Theonly one not affected by this is Milly. In the conclusion of the novelshe offers this moral. "It is important to remember past sorrows and
wrongs so that you can then forgive those responsible and, in doingso, unburden your soul and mature as a human being."

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